Who are we ?
Hôtel l’Ecrin d’Ô
Rue de la Sauvenière 108
Tel.: 00 32 87 78 76 15
BE TVA 0640 984 908
Web : https://www.lecrin-do.be
What is a cookie ?
A cookie is a small amount of data that a website places on your computer.
Why do websites use cookies ?
Web pages have no memory. If you are surfing from page to page within a website, you will not be recognized as the same user across pages. Cookies enable your browser to be recognized by the website. So cookies are mainly used to remember the choices you have made – choices such as the language you prefer and the currency you use. They will also make sure you are recognized when you return to a website.
Do all cookies do the same thing ?
No, there are different types of cookies and different ways of using them. Cookies can be categorized according to their function, their lifespan and according to who places them on a website.
How does HÔTEL L’ECRIN D’Ô use cookies ?
We try to give our visitors an advanced and user-friendly website that adapts automatically to their needs and wishes. To achieve this, our website uses the following types of cookie :
- Technical cookies : We use technical cookies to show you our website, to make it function correctly, encode your bookings. These technical cookies are absolutely necessary for our website to function properly.
- Functional cookies : We also use functional cookies to remember your preferences and to help you use our website efficiently and effectively. For example, we remember your preferred currency and language, your searches and the property you viewed earlier. These functional cookies are not strictly necessary for the functioning of our website, but they add functionality for you and enhance your experience.
- Analytics cookies : We use these cookies to gain insight on how our visitors use the website, to find out what works and what doesn’t, to optimize and improve our website and to ensure we continue to be interesting and relevant. The data we gather includes which web pages you viewed, which referring/exit pages you entered and left from, which platform type you have used, date and time stamp information and details such as the number of clicks you make on a given page, your mouse movements and scrolling activity, the search words you use and the text you type while using our website.
- Commercial cookies : We use these to show you advertisements on other websites. This is called “retargeting” and it aims to be based on the destinations you have been searching for and the property you have viewed.
How can you manage your cookie preferences ?
Using your browser settings in, for example, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox or Chrome, you can set which cookies to accept and which to reject. Where you find these settings depends on which browser you use. Use the “Help” function in your browser to locate the settings you need.
If you choose not to accept certain cookies, you may not be able to use some functions on our website. Plus, opting out of an online advertising network doesn’t mean that you won’t receive or be subject to online advertising or marketing analysis. It means that the network you opted out of will no longer deliver ads tailored to your web preferences and browsing patterns.
Questions concerning our cookies policy
If you have questions concerning the cookies policy of HÔTEL L’ECRIN D’Ô, do not hesitate to contact us by sending an e-mail to info@lecrin-do.be
The presentation and each element, including the domain name, trademarks, logos, brands, drawings, illustrations, photographs, texts, graphics and other files, appearing on this site are protected by the current intellectual property laws and belong to the HÔTEL L’ECRIN D’Ô or have been authorised for use.
No element on our site can be copied, reproduced, modified, edited, downloaded, distorted, forwarded or distributed in any way or by any means whatsoever, either in part or in total, without prior express written authorisation.
In the event of authorisation for partial or complete reproduction, the following must appear on the copy “©HÔTEL L’ECRIN D’Ô”.
All other use not expressly authorised is an infringement on the rights of the companies within the Hotel, punishable by law.
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